Thus far the summer has proved summerriffic. I only work three days a week, and I get home around 10:30 a.m. when I do, so by the time I’m all showered and dressed it’s like I didn’t work at all. ‘course, if I wasn’t working I’d probably be sleeping in till around 9:00 and then mulling around in my jammies until about 10:30 , so it all evens out. I love my early morning work schedule. If I didn’t have work to get me up early every other weekday I’d pout about how I never get up early enough to enjoy the cool mornings. The heat kinda depresses me.
WOO! We went out to Sand Hollow reservoir last Saturday for the FR employee pick nick. It was shenanigans. Living up to her title of “drama queen” Maddie had a grand old time decked out in her floaties and tube kicking out beyond the shallow water towards the bigger kids and calling “heeow me! Heeow heeow!” (heeow= help). They totally fell for it and offered to tug her back to shore. Little did they know she just wanted free rides. All three of us took a ride on the wave runner. It was windy and the water was choppy, but we didn’t tip luckily, then we sent Dave out on his own so he could be all stunt-tastic without us. I got sunburned because I didn’t put on sunblock, though I made sure Maddie and Dave did. I hung out with Laura later and she put aloe vera stuff on me a whole bunch.
Apparently the effects of the lake trip wore Maddie out for two whole days afterward. Here’s her trying to stay awake in the car (this one’s for you Spence-O)
Ah, I can’t believe I’m already tired of summer. Even the forf of Juwy isn’t making me all giddy with anticipation like it usually does. I kinda just want school to start again and make it cool off. C’ept then I remember that I don’t have any creative classes going on, just Spanish, and then after that Spanish 2. Maybe I’ll have to try and wedge Intro to Illustrator in there somewhere just to keep me sane. Until then artsy fartsy projects’ll just have to hold me over. I’m currently making a rainforest-y depiction for Maddie's room. Check it out, I get to use mod-podge. I KNOW!
In closing, I can't believe my last post had snow in it. *tear*
That video is so funny. Maddie is always so entertaining. I'm sad I missed the picnic...sounds like it was fun. I think I am ready for sept to roll around also.
YAY! Thanks for your comment about my singing video. It was really great to hear from you! Your sand hollow trip sounded like a lot of fun. And I can't believe how old Maddy is! Sheesh!
Well, I play on Silver Hand, I believe Perhaps we could start a character together! That would be grand fun! My favorite is a hunter I have, that has a raptor as a pet named "Charlie" though I just tamed a dragon thing and named her Susan. Any ways... let's choose a server, and a side and start a character together! That would be great. YAY!
Ps- I did my first coaching job. Meaning, a quartet that bought an arrangement of mine paid me to come and coach them on it. I did a well enough job, they want me to come back! YAY! AND- (sorry this is so long!) But, so exciting. I found a bass and baritone to sing with, we are just looking for a tenor. The sound is amazing. And the personality of me and the bass, is exactly alike. Her mother was in town last weekend and we spent time together, and by the end of the time, she was like you sound and act JUST LIKE NATALIE! The only down fall, Natalie (the bass) lives in Montana... so we are picking a place half way, and are going to sing any ways! It's only a 6 hour drive, and my aunt lives there. So, YAY! I'll send you sound clip if you like. All we need now, is a tenor that can sing in tune.
well, this has been long enough.
Love to you, and your family!
Yes, I recall you were very very roasted from the lake. Also, very funny video of Mad-pie... I'm sure spence will love it... even though he never comments...
How funny! What a sweet video! I found your blog off of Sarah's. Maddie is getting so big! I can't believe it.
It's good to be able to see what you're up to these days.
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