Monday, December 01, 2008

The pictures

Que the cheesy montage music! Actually we may not have music, but cheesy and montage we can do. Since I'm so good (and by "good" I mean "bad") at updating there will be a lot of stuff you haven't seen!

Feb: For my b-day/valentines day we went to San Fransisco. Ate good sushi, wandered the pier, and china town, discovered art galleries and an awesome deli.

March: Family camping trip to Whitney Pockets...campfire, dad reading stories about our ancestors who settled the area, monkeying up rocks...good times.

Also in March: Maddie turned 4, thus making her eligible to say "I'm four, I sleep in a drawer".

July: Dave planned river rafting in Montana for our anniversary. "Duuuude, wetsuits!"

August: Spencer and Taylor got married! (see Laura's blog for pics)

Also in August: Hiking on Pine Valley, picking wild raspberries, conducting "secret trail" maintenance, getting our picture on the old boiler.

October: Marathon for me, rainy, not as fun as last time, but I got boston qualifying time which was my goal. (can't find my marathon pics, curse me and my orginizational skills)

Also October: Hawaii. Maddie made up a Hawaii song, we were beach bums for days, petted dolphins, had yummy crab, body surfed in the dark. Yesssssss.

Holidays I left out, just they're all "we ate some turkey and stuff" (sorry Chris, Shawn & munchkins, we missed you at Thanksgibbing though, and are excited to see you at Christmas!)


Larzipan said...

Hee Hee! I love it all! especially that maddie was actually sleeping IN a drawer. Nice. love you :)

Becca said...

Cute pictures, you guys have been busy this year. Looks like tons of fun trips.

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