Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Oh! Hi blog. (and happy happy hair stuff)

So I know I haven't exactly been all updatey lately. Forgive me?

We're all good, Dave is still dying to quit SkyWest to do freelance full time. He finished his bachelor's since last I wrote (more than a year ago!? that's sad). But, we want to squeeze in a trip to Ukraine (his mission area) before he gives up his flight benefits (P.S. my passport came yesterday). I'm still guiding hikes. It's still fun. Maddie still loves playing with her friends at pre-school more than helping me clean house. Figures.

A while ago I got clip in color extensions for my hair. They're human hair so they can be curled or straightened along with my own. They were relatively cheap considering that having my own hair colored or having extensions weaved in would cost around $75-$100 and only last a few weeks. The clips are easy to put in and can be taken out at night. Probably the best thing about them is that I can put in a different color every day if I want without the trouble of bleaching my dark hair to ruination.

I got mine from this site:, but I have also seen similar extensions on ebay. A search for "color extension clips" should yield some good finds.


Sarah said...

Yeah a post! Cute hair too! It was good to see you guys. We'll probably see you next around November.

Larzipan said...

HALLELUJAH! Oh! Hi Annie! I didn't even NOTICE that you haven't blogged for a while... :) missed you... love your hair... love your face... miss your guts :)

mindy said...

Hey Annie! It's nice to see you've posted again... I love the hair clip.

Shawn said...

I already told you that I have one too, but yours looks soo much better than mine. Can't wait to see ya again!

Haven said...

Good grief it's been an age! lol Thank you for posting again about your cute fam. Let us know when you get to use your passport!

And more postesess too! :)